The birth that I have been very anxious about took place sometime between 6pm and 8pm last night. Helena developed a vaginal prolapse a few weeks ago and had to have it stitched into place by our vet. I cut the sutures on Sunday ~ a little too soon but she was okay and did not prolapse again. This birth was a case of "go with your instinct and not the textbook". Helena had her water bag out for several hours yesterday and since she was not distressed and having contractions I decided to wait and see what would happen. My lambing guide says a baby should be born from 30-45 minutes after the waterbag presents . . . .If not, then there is probably a malpresentation. Nope . . . . not in this case. Helena just decided to go easy and take her time having her lambs.
Her current prolapse is due to an extremely difficult birth two years ago when she was a ewe lamb. Her lamb Bee-Bee was huge and became stuck overnight. By morning when Helena was checked the lamb's head was swollen and sticking out. Helena had tried so hard to give birth, she had begun to prolapse. I managed to pull Bee-Bee out - it was a miracle that Bee-Bee survived! Helena's prolapse healed but it recurred this year.
I was thinking about culling her in the fall but decided last night not too. She gave birth to two of the prettiest lambs this year. An 8 pound ram lamb with HUGE horn buds and a moorit spotted 8 1/2 pound ewe lamb. Her spots are on the leg so you can't see them in the photo. I am thinking about keeping the ewe but the boy is for sale. Both have beautiful conformations and will be finely fleeced (Helena is a Noi granddaughter).
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