Gosh these lambs are getting big. This first photo is Pepper's boy who was born on March 29th. He is standing alongside of Sugar who was just shorn a few days ago. This big guy weighs nearly 60 lbs! That's an average of 10 lbs of growth per week. Even my twins are huge this year.
Tolkie's ewes are now 40+ pounds each and they are both built like little tanks with a meaty long lined body.
Sumo is pictured above. He is a gorgeous black/grey ram lamb with an outstanding fleece, build and temperament. Liz is his mom.
The last photo is dedicated to my friend and fellow shepherd, Laurie Ball-Gish. She is the source of my starter flock. This is Liz, one of my foundation girls. Liz is five years old this spring and is such a breathtakingly beautiful sheep both inside and out. We are great friends and her lambs have inherited her sweet, calm temperament and fleece quality. I just love these sheep . . . . they give us such joy. Happy shepherding everyone!
Buy local . . . . . eat well