Pumpkin . . . Fall 2011

Pumpkin . . . Fall 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Icelandic Shepherd Group in the US

I am thinking about forming a new Icelandic Shepherd group based in the US with breeders that are comitted to marketing our breed to Chef's, meat to consumers, Fiber Artisans and potential new breeders who are dedicated to furthering the genetics and marketing of our sheep breed. . . .I am sorry, but this group will not be open to hobbyists or homesteaders . . .you must have recently registered and sold sheep either as meat or breeding stock to join.

keep a look out for your Yahoo group invites . . . this will only be on an invitation only basis . . . Please E-mail me privately at violetjwillis@yahoo.com if your are interested in joining. . .

Buy local . . . eat well . . . .


  1. Hello Violet,

    I just found your site. I am quite intrigued with your idea of a real market group of Icelandic breeders. I have been selling and breeding Icelandic's since 2003. My farm is a CSA farm primarily but the Icelandic's have been a good profitable side that I not only use for the meat, fiber and stock, but we are now milking, developing a local style of pecorino romano, if you will.
    I would like to connect with other serious Icelandic breeders, esp. those who may be branching out into the cheese market.
    Pumpkin has nice horns, any leadersheep there?
    Sincerely, Brigget LeClair/WakeRobin Farm, WA.

  2. Hi Brigget,

    Thank you for your comments. I have not checked my blog in a few weeks. I have been busy working on the Ron Paul Presidential campaign as his Washington County, Maine Coordinator . . . you probably heard about it in the news:)We finally held our caucus yesterday . . . Catching my breath today and just found your comment.

    Yes, I still am reaching out to other breeders about starting another breed group focusing entirely on marketing our sheep's products. We sell out of our meat quickly in the fall . . and spinners and knitters just love our fiber products. So glad to hear you are making cheese! We also plan to start milking in a few years. Let me know how your aged cheese turns out.

    Pumpkin (LF121R) is a product of leaderlines . . . she behaves like one. Everyone just loves her. She is friendly, loving and very smart. She will turn 7 this spring and has been with us since she was a year old. I have retained all four of her daughters in our flock . . . two have her sound temperament and intelligence.

    Again, great to hear from you. I am planning to have a conference call with other shepherds out there to hear ideas and talk with others out there in person. Sometime in the next month . . Look for that info to be posted soon. Best, Violet
